Buy UKBS 1-TC DHB (Dihydroboldenone) 100mg/ml

UKBS 1-TC DHB (Dihydroboldenone) 100mg/ml
Price: $79.00
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DHB 10ml vial 100mg/ml

DHB is short for Dihydroboldenone. It is in its own classification of steroids, and is commonly referred to as 1-testosterone. This compound is a very strong and powerful steroid. It is similar to Primobolan in its effects. DHB is twice as anabolic as testosterone is, and less androgenic. The effects take place fast and are very apparent. This potent steroid delivers a high quality result among it’s users. DHB can be easily confused with Methyl 1-test due to its pseudo name 1-testosterone. The two however are very different even though they both deliver significant results. This steroid is known in the bodybuilding world as one of the most potent formulas to provide quality results.

DHB has a 200:100 proportion of anabolic to androgenic, when contrasted wirone’s proportion which is 100:100. Along these lines, we can see that testosterone is half less anabolic than DHB. Be that as it may, the composed proportion can be beguiling. As a general rule, DHB is less androgenic, and when contrasted with different steroids, it doesn’t prompt reactions like pulse and animosity. Aside from that, it is milder than different steroids because of which it doesn’t put the weight on the kidneys too. That being stated, since DHB has a high anabolic level, it prompts a decent addition in the fit muscle. When contrasted with equipoise, Deca Durabolin, and testosterone, DHB has the more anabolic level, that too without causing any aromatizing effects.
Accordingly, you don’t have to stress over any estrogenic eventual outcomes like water maintenance, gynecomastia and so forth. In any case, on the off chance that you wish to collect water weight for the time being and gain pounds promptly, at that point DHB would not have the option to give you the ideal outcomes.

Suitable for lean gain and cutting cycle, it has shown to promote fat loss and lean and dry muscle gain. It is similar to Masterone or primobolan but 3 times more potent. It is fast acting as compared to oral form the dihydroboldenone. It is a great addition to those who wish to have lean muscle with a fibrous look. Since it doesn't Aromatize, stacking with other steroids in people who are susceptible to gynaecomastia gives greater results.



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